School of God
I remember very clearly the first time I had an insight about our capacity to manifest in the material world. I was sitting in Harv Eker’s, Millionaire Mind Intensive, and he’d been communicating about how everyone has the capacity to manifest any outcome in the world they want. The key is to maintain your intention and your actions long enough and to never give up and you’d eventually “manifest” what you wanted. The only uncertainty would be in how long it would take.
He characterized this power of manifestation with the phrase, “whatever you focus on expands.” He used this phrase because he was also pointing out how this capacity to manifest is a double edged sword and that achieving outcomes in the world requires marshaling both your conscious and subconscious mind. So, if while you’re busy trying to manifest a pot of gold, you subconsciously focus on your mountain of debts (paid to Peak Potentials Training for their personal growth workshops), you’re more likely to increase the money you owe.
The impact of your subconscious programming thereby accounts for all the real world failures people experience when trying to produce positive change in their lives. They’re playing a tug-o-war with themselves trying to create wealth while simultaneously destroying it. This, as it turns out, is personal grown 101. The goal of good personal growth training is to help you change your subconscious programming and get all your energies moving in the same direction.
That day in the Millionaire Mind I could totally relate to how our subconscious could sabotage us. I had started a dot com company in 1998 and by 2000 had a net worth on paper in excess of 9 million. By 2001 I had a net worth of -$200,000 and was effectively bankrupt. In Harv Eker’s courses I could see how I had destroyed any chance of being truly wealthy because I subconsciously associating rich people with crooks and criminals. I had manifested my success and failure simultaneously.

While I sat in that workshop, trying to make sense of the idea of manifestation (the popular books and audios of, The Secret, expand on this idea ad infinitum), I saw how my ability to raise my arm in the air through my intention was a metaphor for the workings of manifestation in the real world. First of all, I’m sure most people will not think there’s anything remarkable about raising their arms in the air if they intend it. But lets consider that.
Prior to scientific materialism, humans could easily command their bodies as they do now, but only in relatively recent human history can we show the causal links that allows our brain’s electricity and muscle chemistry to make that happen. The process for how consciousness triggers the brain chemistry still seems to me to be fairly mysterious but let’s leave that for the moment. So our intention to move an arm triggers a whole variety of electrochemical reactions in our physical body and mind and the outcome in the physical world is certain. No big deal.
But then, while sitting in that workshop, I considered how my intention to walk to the store to buy an apple is just an extension of this same capacity. The array of circumstances that make it possible is extended, but in everyday terms the outcome is almost as certain. Thanks to modern agriculture, most grocery stores stock apples, and instead of moving one arm, I move my entire body through time and space until I acquire the apple. We don’t see this as mysterious either or any great act of manifestation, but if we inspect it closer, we see that a huge variety of interconnected requirements existed to make this possible.
It’s commonplace that the agriculture, the shipping and transport, the commerce that makes it possible, and my previous good work putting enough money in my pocket to buy the apple in a currency of agreed upon value all made the transaction possible. Compared to 5,000 years ago, this everyday occurrence is a modern miracle.
But let’s return to that curiosity about how our minds move our arms. I challenge any scientist or materialist to show the perfect causal link that is directly responsible for taking the subtle mental or conscious intention to raise an arm that then produces the brain chemistry that results in movement. At one moment their is an ethereal intention prior to the brain activity and the next moment, synapses are firing and the brain commands the body to move. In short, the subtle realm of consciousness produces physical changes is the material world. Looked at in this way absolutely every outcome in the physical world is a form of “manifestation”.
Our conscious activity generates material changes in the real world. That we fail to see the remarkableness in moving our arms intentionally is also why we fail to see the obviousness of the fact that manifesting anything in the world is a demonstration of this same conscious intention.
That day at Harv Eker’s event I started to see how manifesting in the real world was as straight forward as raising my arm. Both allowed subtle conscious intention to appear in the “real” world through a mysterious linkage between the mind and the world. Moving my arm was immediate because there were no competing intentions to impact the outcome. World peace on the other hand is more difficult or impossible to generate because like a single person with a subconscious mind in tug-o-war with oneself, the intentions of all the others in the world might be at cross purposes.
So how do I create a million dollars through manifestation? As it turns out, it’s the exact same kind of intention just carried out through a longer sequence of interconnections and actions. At a materialistic level, all the actions can be seen and explained based on causal interactions that make common sense such as commercial relationships. Sometimes, remarkable “coincidences” can play a part. Materialists would call those happenstance or mere chance, but for those inclined to acknowledge the mystery, it’s not a leap to see how the “universe” cooperates with our intention.
Within a couple short month’s of having my blown out ecstatic experience following the Millionaire Mind Intensive described in Bread Crumbs to Beloved, I found myself walking into a Siddha Yoga gathering which was the very spiritual tradition Adi Da Samraj had perfected on his way to Enlightenment. I didn’t have an iota of religious inclination prior to that awakening experience and yet was moved directly toward my ultimate Spiritual Master, Adi Da Samraj, and am now almost constantly conducting that bliss that started my journey in the first place. From that first taster of free bliss, I knew that I wanted more and my life since then has been a demonstration of manifesting in that direction.
Adi Da’s communication is that there is only God and that apparently separate beings, you and I, do not actually exist in Reality. This isn’t a matter of faith or belief, but something that can only be tacitly recognized as true when realized directly by the seemingly separate conscious “you” or “I”.
Another core tenant of Adidam is that we are always “seeking” and this search itself is the source of the suffering our seeking is meant to remedy. So in this realm of “appearances” (things that are “apparent” but not real) we are able to produce anything we egos want, but nothing we manifest will in this way generate the freedom or satisfaction we’re seeking*.
So back to manifesting that millions dollars; everything that arises is God and all of us apparently separate beings are busy manifesting in one form or another in the realm of apparent objects. We are able to create any possibility in the world, because ultimately, there is nothing we can manifest that provides ultimate satisfaction.
You can have that new car and while at first riding around in that luxury automobile may be very consoling, but sooner or later it’ll be commonplace and no longer provide much relief. Or you can have all the bucks you want and no amount of money or the things it can buy, including power, seem to produce any kind of perfect relief. No matter which side of the Trump debate you are inclined toward, it must be obvious that he’s not perfectly happy with his current circumstances.

In short, the world is the perfect place for the ego to learn the lesson that the search itself is fruitless. This is the realm of “positive disillusionment” in which all our worldly desires (and nightmares) can be manifested so that we can ultimately exhaust the motive to search in the first place. I believe that the “cosmic domain” is the school of God, the perfect playground in which the One Divine Conscious Person can discover Itself in a Play of Consciousness appearing as infinities of apparently separate somebodies.
That you’ve not yet figured out how to manifest a perfectly happy relationship isn’t about you discovering the trick to perfect your marriage. There is no perfected life for apparently separate people. Utopia is not an outcome that can be manifested. It’s about the school of God lesson that no matter what you manifest in this realm, short of God Realization itself, you will be left suffering after the warm fuzzies of consolation wear off.
You may even live a fairly enjoyable life overall without much trauma or difficulty at this moment. You may manifest great relationships and wealth enough to provide general ease, comfort and satisfaction so that you’ll never have a want or need you can’t purchase, except the freedom from your eventual death, or the death and loss of your loved ones, or the end of all your good works over time.
So manifest your heart out. In this school of God where we can manifest any “thing” we want, the sooner we become disillusioned by our own actions, hopefully the sooner we’ll come to find God where we are already and be free of the search entirely.
*These ideas on how and why manifestation works are just my thoughts and not something drawn directly from the teachings of Adi Da Samraj (as best I know anyway) so please don’t read this as if it’s His teachings.